How Do You Define A Parallel Modular Kitchen Design?

The modular kitchen has recently gained a lot of popularity in the present times. The efficiency of the kitchen has not only attracted customers, but also its practicality, efficient use of space and decoration of the interiors. These modular kitchen models have different layouts. Each of these layouts has a major role to plan in the house of an individual. One such layout is the parallel kitchen. Considered to be one of the space-saving designs, these have long countertops; perfect for being used by two cooks. Apart from this, there are other benefits. Let’s take a look at them. What is a Parallel Modular Kitchen Design? A parallel modular kitchen design , also known as a galley kitchen, is one of the most spacious layouts. It consists of two parallel countertops running along parallel walls. Such a layout allows for an efficient and streamlined workflow, and is perfect for small to medium-sized kitchens. The space between the two countertops also allows an additional storage ...